It’s all systems “go” for All-Energy 2018: Registration now open

It’s all systems “go” for All-Energy 2018: Registration now open

It is indeed “all systems go” for All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference, and the co-located Smart Urban Mobility Solutions (SUMS 2018). Both will be held at Glasgow’s SEC on Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 May. Free registration for all elements of the two day event is now open at for all with relevant business/professional interests.

“We look forward to welcoming you to All-Energy and SUMS, held against the positive backdrop of the UK’s Clean Growth Strategy and the Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy and Climate Change Plan,” says Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of organisers Reed Exhibitions. “The buzz, the enthusiasm, the business done ….. All-Energy has a very special and vibrant feel.

“All four ‘pillars’ of the show – renewable generation, energy efficiency, low carbon heating and low carbon transport – will be much in evidence in the busy exhibition and multi-stream conference. Free registration also includes attendance at the popular Giant Networking Evening.”

In 2017 there was total attendance of over 7,500 with 300+ exhibiting companies and over 400 speakers. The 2018 conference has an impressive line-up of industry, academic and political speakers. Scottish Government Ministers Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy and Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for Transport and the Islands, as well as luminaries such as Keith Anderson, CEO of ScottishPower; Prof Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde, and Sinead Lynch, Shell UK’s Country Chair have confirmed their presence.

There are streams and sessions devoted to the show’s four ‘pillars’ (including all forms of renewable energy), as well as energy systems, energy storage, decarbonising industry, carbon capture and storage, community and local energy and the needs of the farming community all part of the annual mix. The full programme will be online from mid-March.

Further information
Shepherd and Wedderburn is All-Energy’s headline sponsor, with other sponsors including ScottishPower Renewables. All-Energy is supported by nearly 40 trade associations, government departments, professional bodies and learned societies, and is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association; Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; Innovate UK; Sustainable Glasgow; and the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with Glasgow as its Host City, and the Society for Underwater Technology as Learned Society Patron.

Full information on exhibiting; sponsorship packages; the Giant Networking evening; the conference; accommodation and travel is available on the show’s website at and


Caption: Busy aisles, and business being done, at All-Energy 2017

Notes to Editors:

  • All-Energy, the history: All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy and clean growth exhibition and conference has been held annually since 2001; the first SUMS was held in 2017. Conference presentations from 2017 are available to download free of charge on the All-Energy and SUMS websites.
  • Editors – if you would like your publication to be an All-Energy 2018/SUMS 2018 media partner: please contact Charlotte Napier at or on +44 (0)20 8910 7092
  • Further press information is available from: Judith Patten @ JPPR – Tailor-made articles can be written to your required content/word count and deadline, as can fulsome show previews featuring exhibits and conference topics of particular relevance to your readership.
All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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