Maximising business opportunities for the Scottish offshore wind supply chain

Maximising business opportunities for the Scottish offshore wind supply chain
  • SOWSCF launches survey as it seeks local organisation to help accelerate national competitiveness of Scottish offshore wind supply chain
  • Forum plans to establish itself as an industrial resource and grow the available business opportunities in Scottish, UK-wide, European and Global Markets
  • SOWSCF backed by Scottish Renewables, AREG, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Government among others

An industry association is calling on businesses within the Scottish offshore wind supply chain to support its efforts to accelerate national competitiveness, improve skills and create employment opportunities.

The large-scale development of offshore wind represents the biggest opportunity for sustainable economic growth in Scotland for a generation. In response to this the Offshore Wind Industry Group (OWIG) was established in early 2009, to ensure Scotland fully capitalised on this undoubted potential.

Working collaboratively to establish “one common voice” for industry which will tackle barriers and industry-wide challenges, the Scottish Offshore Wind Supply Chain Forum (SOWSCF) was established to operate as part of OWIG and find a collective way forward.

The forum is chaired by John Best, special projects at James Fisher Marine Services (JFMS), who brings 11 years’ experience of forming and running a successful industry association, East of England Energy Group (EEEGR), to the group. While Alan Duncan, managing director of Scotia Supply Chain, who coordinated and instrumental in the success of the Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Coalition (NnG) sits on the forum as vice chair.

The SOWSCF presents an ideal platform for the Scottish supply chain to interact and, as a result, improve communication and collaboration between companies in a country that has a phenomenal clean energy resource and is well-positioned to be a global powerhouse of renewable energy.

However, the SOWSCF understands that it cannot be successful without the direct input of the supply chain. As part of its drive, the forum wants to engage with as many organisations as possible to identify priorities, actions and solutions for 2018/19 and beyond.

John Best, Chair of SOWSCF, said: “The SOWSCF survey has been developed by a broad cross-section of the industry and will help to provide a baseline for forward action. The forum is designed to operate as an industry Special Interest Group (SIG) and will work collaboratively with membership organisations and agencies alike to deliver our mission of developing sustainable business through a common voice.”

If you represent a business in or who works with the Scottish supply chain and have a moment to share your knowledge and expertise, please visit for more information and to complete the survey. 

Editors notes:

James Fisher Marine Services was formed in 2008 to provide a single contractual interface to the specialist marine and subsea services provided by the companies within the James Fisher group. JFMS specialises in project management, engineering and consultancy services for the marine renewable energy industry. With its experienced team of analysts, engineers, naval architects and master mariners we have built a successful track record supporting multiple high profile projects in offshore wind, wave and tidal energy. In addition to this, JFMS actively develops a range of products geared towards reducing the inherent risks and costs of working offshore.

For more information, visit

James Fisher and Sons plc is a leading service provider in all sectors of the marine industry and a specialist supplier of engineering services to the nuclear industry in the UK and abroad. With offices in the Europe, the Middle East, Singapore, Australia and Africa, the company serves both the private and public sectors and adopts a practical approach to the management of assets and provision of high quality services, ensuring an appropriate use of technology and a sound understanding of each customer’s requirements, while building on the experience and expertise gained over more than 165 years of operating in the marine environment. James Fisher brings practical experience, innovation and commercial best practice to all its clients’ projects and services.

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Media contact:

Jonathan Mamczynski
Marketing Manager
James Fisher Marine Services
T: +44 (0) 1565 658 821

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