Call for Papers for All-Energy and SUMS 2019 Now Open and Online

Call for Papers for All-Energy and SUMS 2019 Now Open and Online

The Call for Papers for both All-Energy 2018 and the co-located Smart Urban Mobility Solutions (SUMS 2019) has been launched and is online at and  The duo of events will be held at Glasgow’s SEC on 15 and 16 May 2019.

The All-Energy 2019 conference will look at topics that come under all four ‘pillars’ of the event – renewable power; low carbon heat; energy efficiency in the built environment; and low carbon transport (via SUMS 2019).

“Decarbonisation, decentralisation, digitalisation and democratisation (i.e. end-user choice) all play important roles in the conference; so too does climate change particularly in line with the IPCC’s latest report and wider social impacts; Brexit-effects; planning for success and the alignment of data requirements through all stages of delivery; and innovative solutions and finding answers to the questions we used to ignore,” explains Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of Reed Exhibitions who own and organise the duo of events.

“SUMS not only looks at low carbon transport and charging infrastructure but at smart mobility in all its guises from connected and autonomous vehicles to smart parking/payment and multimodal journey planners. The full list of topics coming under the conference spotlight at both events is online. Both conferences are free to attend for all with relevant business/professional interests. Although the Call for Papers is only just being published I can assure all prospective conference attendees that they will be taking part in a truly world-class event.

“We look forward to reviewing a stimulating collection of submissions and sharing them with our industry ‘champions’ over the coming months and also to involving session sponsors at the earliest opportunity. The Call for Papers closes on 20 December.

“With just over seven months before the doors open at SEC for our duo of events I am delighted to report that exhibition sales continue to run ahead of where we were at this time last year, we are looking forward to a busy exhibition and conference where business is most certainly done, and that always engenders a real buzz.”

Some of the exhibitors from Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK who have already confirmed their space booking include 2G Energy, ABB Turbocharging, Centrica, Clarke Energy, Deutsche Windtechnik, Enercon, Greenbyte, Ingeteam, Knights Brown Construction, Moventas Gears, Nordex, PARAT Halvorsen, Powersystems UK, Schneider Electric, Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks, Senvion UK, Siemens Gamesa, Vensys Energy, Vestas, Visualwind and Wood.

All-Energy is held in association with Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, the Renewable Energy Association (REA), Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), Innovate UK and Glasgow City Council, with the Society for Underwater Technology as its Learned Society Patron. SUMS lists Transport Scotland, ITS United Kingdom, Energy Saving Trust, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, REA, Glasgow City Council and Innovate UK amongst its supporters.

Looking back
All-Energy 2018 and SUMS 2018 attracted a total audience of just over 7,000; 300+ exhibiting company; nearly 500 speakers, including four Ministers (the First Minister of Scotland; the UK’s Minister for Energy and Clean Growth; and both Scotland’s Energy and Transport Ministers) in a packed and informative conference; and compliments in plenty. A large number of the conference presentations can be downloaded free of charge from the shows’ websites.

Further information on both events can be found on their websites at and


Caption: Busy conference session at All-Energy 2018

Notes to Editors:

All-Energy, the history: All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy and clean growth exhibition and conference has been held annually since 2001; the first SUMS was held in 2017. The first 14 All-Energy events were held in Aberdeen; the show moved to Glasgow in 2015.

Editors – if you would like your publication to be an All-Energy 2019/SUMS 2019 media partner: please contact Andreas Antoniou at or on +44 (0)20 8 439 5160

Further press information is available from: Judith Patten @ JPPR – from whom a wide selection of hi-res jpegs is also available encompassing busy aisles; conference line-ups and busy halls; people checking out equipment and/or having meaningful conversations; Ministers doing tours and looking at everything from the BIG HIT hydrogen trailer to a Westfield POD and more;

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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