All-Energy Welcomes Shepherd & Wedderburn as Headline Sponsor

All-Energy Welcomes Shepherd & Wedderburn as Headline Sponsor

The UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference, All-Energy 2019, which takes place at Glasgow’s SEC on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May 2019, has once again attracted Shepherd and Wedderburn as its headline sponsor.

“We are very pleased to welcome Shepherd and Wedderburn back as Headline Sponsor for yet another year,” said All-Energy’s Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of Reed Exhibitions. “It is always a pleasure to welcome back a sponsor to the same role as it is proof that the previous year’s experience met their aims and objectives. We look forward to working with them in the coming months to ensure tht their 2019 involvement is just as successful

“Shepherd and Wedderburn is delighted to be supporting the 2019 All-Energy conference for the fourh consecutive year as Headline Sponsor,” said Clare Foster, Head of Clean Energy, Partner, Banking and Finance, Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP.

“All-Energy 2018 was a fantastic success. The two-day conference and exhibition was attended by over 7,000 from the UK and overseas, coming together to forge business relationships and share knowledge that will ultimately chart the future direction of the UK’s clean energy success story.

“In 2019 representatives from Shepherd and Wedderburn’s 90-strong specialist clean energy team will be there in force over the two days to provide legal and commercial updates, meet clients and contacts and share our market-leading expertise.

“All-Energy 2019 promises to be another exciting, high calibre event and we look forward to playing our part in the continuing success and expansion of one of the UK’s most vibrant and innovative sectors.”

In addition to its Headline Sponsor role, Shepherd and Wedderburn will also sponsor the Offshore Wind Theatre, the Sustainable Cities Theatre (in which energy efficiency plays a key role); and two of the show-floor Quick Fire Seminar theatres – Wave & Tidal; and Offshore Wind.

Further information
All-Energy is supported by trade associations, government departments, professional bodies and learned societies, and is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association; Highlands and islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with Glasgow as its Host City, and the Society for Underwater Technology as Learned Society Patron.

Full information on exhibiting; sponsorship packages and the conference is available on the show’s website at

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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