Registration open for All-Energy and co-located Dcarbonise

Registration open for All-Energy and co-located Dcarbonise

It’s ‘all systems go’ for the 19th All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference, and the new co-located Dcarbonise 2019. Both will be held at Glasgow’s SEC on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May.  Free registration for all elements of the two-day event is now open at for all with relevant business/professional interests. There is seamless access between both exhibitions and all the conference streams and all exhibitors and visitors to both events are invited to the traditional Giant Networking Evening.

As All-Energy and Dcarbonise Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of Reed Exhibitions, who own and organise the duo of events, explained: “All-Energy focuses on its renewable power heritage with a large exhibition hall packed with innovative solutions for the challenges facing every sort of renewable energy development at home and overseas. As ever, the buzz, the enthusiasm and the sense of business being done will be tangible.

“Dcarbonise, with its strap line ‘a carbon-neutral future stars here’, is Scotland’s only dedicated event for low-carbon built environment and transport solutions. Sponsored by the Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust and Zero Waste Scotland, it is aligned to the Scottish Government’s Energy Efficient Scotland programme.

“Dcarbonise focuses on the solutions and advice needed to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings and generating low carbon heat,” he added. “One group targeted this year is landlords, who are tasked with ensuring any new tenancy has an EPC of at least band E by 1 April 2020.

“Naturally low carbon transport is also under the Dcarbonise banner, with a display of low carbon vehicles and smart transport technologies, including an ‘arrive and drive’ facility where visitors can test drive low carbon vehicles.”

Packed conferences for both events

The All-Energy conference will feature streams or sessions on all forms of renewable energy (on- and offshore wind; solar; marine renewable energy; bioenergy – biomass, biogas, biofuel and energy from waste; and hydropower) as well as energy systems, the grid, energy storage, hydrogen, finance and funding, community and local energy and much more.

Energy efficiency in the built environment, low carbon heat, the circular economy, low carbon transport (in the Smart Urban Mobility Solutions conference stream), decarbonising of industry, carbon capture and storage, and ‘the net-zero challenge’ all appear under the Dcarbonise conference ‘umbrella’.

Innovate UK and UK Innovation and Research (UKRI) will play a key part in both events and throughout the conference. The grid showing what is happening when is at

“We have more exhibition show floor theatres than ever before, they benefit from being in the heart of the busy event” Jonathan Heastie said. “Offshore wind, marine renewable energy, community and local energy, energy efficiency, low carbon heat, energy storage/ hydrogen all have dedicated theatres for either one or both days.

“Innovation will figure prominently in all of them – especially in the Innovation Theatre on 16 May when UKRI will focus on three strands of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund activity – robotics, smart local energy systems, and the creation of net zero industrial clusters. The new Research Hub Theatre will provide insight into the innovative work being done, in partnership with industry, within universities.

Looking back – and further information

Over 7,000 – including the First Minister of Scotland, the UK and Scottish energy ministers and Scottish transport minister attended in 2018.

All-Energy’s headline sponsor is Shepherd and Wedderburn and it is held in association with Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, the Renewable Energy Association, Aberdeen renewable Energy Group (AREG), Sustainable Glasgow, UK Innovation and Research and Innovate UK, with the Society for Underwater Technology as its Learned Society Patron.

The Smart Urban Mobility Solutions conference stream is supported by Transport Scotland and organised in association with the Smart Environment Forum of ITS United Kingdom

Further information at and

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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