DWF: European Renewable Energy Guide, 2021

DWF: European Renewable Energy Guide, 2021

Market outlook and support systems for Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK

An introduction from Karol Lasocki, Partner & Head of Renewables

The energy transition is rapidly accelerating throughout the world and in Europe in particular. In December 2019, the European Council endorsed the objective of the European Union achieving complete climate neutrality by 2050, while the United Kingdom set similar goals. As the year 2020 unfolded with historic and life-changing events, many thought that the effort would be undermined. The opposite is in fact happening and the pace of the green revolution increased. It will be one of the pillars of recovery. In particular, ever more electricity will be generated from wind sources onshore and offshore, and from photovoltaic power plants. Europe is well positioned for that. Strong R&D and manufacturing sectors, skilled labour, the rule of law and, last but not least, favourable weather conditions for RES, make investments attractive.

This guide aims to bring clarity to the onshore RES regulatory framework in major European markets (Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK) and provide a long-term perspective for each of these countries. All of the economies concerned, except for the UK, continue to maintain support systems for industrial-size onshore wind and solar. As fostered by the EU legislation, support is granted through a competitive tendering process which ensures that only the most efficient projects are eligible. Understanding both similarities and differences of national support systems is vital for ambitious developers operating in an international environment. At DWF, a global legal business with presence in all the described jurisdictions, we analyse and navigate them every day as part of our work. We are pleased to share our experiences with you and contribute to the growth of your businesses.

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