An accelerated pathway to decarbonise heat in Scotland

An accelerated pathway to decarbonise heat in Scotland

Deployment and scale

In our session “Deployment and scale” on 11th May, Colin Thomson, Regional Development Manager, SGN, delivered a presentation on accelerated pathway to decarbonise heat in Scotland.

Colin Thomson, Regional Development Manager, SGN

With a career spanning over 30 years in the gas industry Colin, a Chartered Engineer with the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, has experience in network infrastructure, customer service, industry codes, commercial services and network strategy. His primary role revolves around the future of the gas network, developing a pathway to net zero for the decarbonisation of the networks.

As an active member of the Energy Networks Association Gas Goes Green Steering Group, he works closely with the other gas networks to shape understanding and build acceptance of the role and importance of gas networks in delivering the integrated, affordable, low carbon energy system that the UK economy and consumers need.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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