Anaerobic Digestion with Carbon Capture and Use

Anaerobic Digestion with Carbon Capture and Use

Biogas and biofuel to the fore

In our session “Biogas and biofuel to the fore” on 11th May, Euan Munro, Associate Process Engineer, SLR Consulting, delivered a presentation on anaerobic digestion with carbon capture and use. 

Euan Munro, Associate Process Engineer, SLR Consulting

Euan joined SLR’s Process Safety team in November 2016. He is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Chemical Engineer and holds an MEng in Chemical Engineering from Edinburgh University.

He has seven years of operational experience which includes direct operating and management of AD plants as well as Animal Feed Production, Whisky and Sugar manufacturing.

Euan’s work at SLR has focused on supporting clients with the delivery of AD projects across their lifecycle, from feasibility through to performance testing and operational improvement. In 2020 he supported the technical review and integration of the CO2 capture plant at the Crofthead AD.

All-Energy and Dcarbonise is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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