Commodity conversion of power, case studies, and economic viability of off-grid systems

Commodity conversion of power, case studies, and economic viability of off-grid systems

Disruptive technology, digitalisation and security

In our session “Disruptive technology, digitalisation and security” on 12th May, Fraser Pritchard, Director, Columbus Energy Partners, delivered a presentation on commodity conversion of power, case studies, and economic viability of off-grid systems.

Fraser Pritchard, Director, Columbus Energy Partners

Fraser has worldwide experience in company direction and governance, commercial and business development, disruptive business models and bringing new energy technologies to market. He has directed in the roles of Chairman, Non-Executive and Executive Director, the incubation and turnaround of multiple energy sector companies across diverse global markets. Fraser possesses unique insights into the challenges facing start-up and underperforming businesses and is passionate on driving commercial sustainability in companies and leadership to perform above peers. He is a certified director and has held multiple directorships across the Americas and Europe with both listed and private companies.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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