How do you solve a problem like TNUoS?

How do you solve a problem like TNUoS?

Making the most of things: Wind farms and grid optimisation

In our session “Making the most of things: Wind farms and grid optimisation” on 11th May, Andrew Urquhart, Head of Whole System, SSEN Transmission, delivered a presentation on how do you solve a problem like TNUoS.”

Andrew Urquhart, Head of Whole System, SSEN Transmission

Andrew Urquhart has been working in the industry for 15 years, starting as a graduate with Scottish Power, then moving to operational engineering roles with Scottish Power and SSEN Distribution. From there he moved to innovation, focusing on the integration of Distributed Generation. Andrew then became Commercial Manager for SSEN Transmission responsible for compliance with existing policy and developing future industry commercial policy. Currently Andrew is Head of Whole System for SSEN Transmission with responsibility for whole system, getting the most from innovation and engaging with long term commercial policy reform, all to support the UKs transition to Net Zero.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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