Smart Efficient Compression: Reliability and Energy Targets (SECRET)

Smart Efficient Compression: Reliability and Energy Targets (SECRET)

Heat Decarbonisation Show Floor Theatre

In the Heat Decarbonisation Show Floor Theatre on 11th May, Prof. Ahmed Kovacevic, Howden and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Compressor Technology, City, University of London, delivered a presentation on Smart Efficient Compression: Reliability and Energy Targets (SECRET).

Prof. Ahmed Kovacevic, Howden and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Compressor Technology, City, University of London

Professor Ahmed Kovacevic holds prestigious Howden / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Compressor Technology at City, University of London. His work is dedicated to development of design excellence in academia and industry through research, teaching and collaborating with industry in numerical modelling, analysis and design of positive displacement machines. He is the director of the Centre for Compressor Technology and chairs International conference on Compressors and their Systems at City, University of London. He authored 11 books/chapters, over two hundred journal and conference papers, several patents and received 11 awards including Jamse Clayton prize for 2020.

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