GPSFLOW: A Novel Simulator for Modelling Underground Hydrogen and Gas Mixture Storage

GPSFLOW: A Novel Simulator for Modelling Underground Hydrogen and Gas Mixture Storage

Academic Posters

In the Academic Posters, Dr. Zuansi Cai, Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University, presented his poster entitled “GPSFLOW: A Novel Simulator for Modelling Underground Hydrogen and Gas Mixture Storage”.

Dr. Zuansi Cai, Lecturer Edinburgh, Napier University

Zuansi Cai is an Industrial Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in Hydrogen Storage 2021/22. He is an Environmental Modeller and a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College in energy storage. Recently, Zuansi developed a new numerical simulator for large-scale underground hydrogen and gas-mixture storage. The simulator (GPSFLOW) is capable of simulating heat, multi-phase and multi-component flow in subsurface storage reservoir for hydrogen and compressed air storage. His research interests include Energy Storage, Renewable Energy and Intelligent Energy Systems, with funding support from RAEng, Net Zero Technology Centre, ETP, Industries, etc.

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