FFT Measure to Manage

FFT Measure to Manage
Find out how you’re performing now and you’ll know what to aim for. The measurement of carbon output across a farm may differ from location to location – taking regular measurements can help farmers and land managers to identify where in their business they have challenges. Different measures from across a farm may require a different solution to help net out emissions. Plus ELM and, what this means in terms of incentives to reduce emissions. As George Eustice said “we want farmers to access public money to help their businesses become more productive and sustainable, whilst taking steps to improve the environment and animal welfare, and deliver climate change outcomes on the land they manage.”
This session hosted by the RAU looks at the challenges land managers and farmers have and propounds possible solutions to help reach net zero goals.
All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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