Latest news from MVGLA

Latest news from MVGLA

MVGLA is a landscape consultancy practice with wide ranging experience in Master Planning, Landscape Design, Landscape Planning and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.

Led by Beatrice Dower and Marc van Grieken, and with support from Grant Carstairs, Julia Fenton and John Paul Mason, the practice has a strong track record in energy related developments and with master planning and design.
Marc and Beatrice have given advice on over 150 windfarms, from feasibility studies to full LVIAs and given evidence at numerous inquiries. Marc has also given advice on electricity transmission lines and routing.

Marc and Beatrice wrote the chapter ‘Wind Turbines and Landscape’ in the book Wind Energy Engineering: A Handbook for Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines (2017). Beatrice has written a chapter for a companion volume on solar installations (in press).

Marc, a Fellow of the Landscape Institute, founded MVGLA in 2014. Marc chairs the LI’s Technical Committee and the GLVIA 3 Advisory Panel. He is a Design Forum member of Architecture & Design Scotland. Beatrice is a fully chartered member of the LI, and plays a leading role in LVIA, design and project management. Beatrice also maintains our database of windfarms in Scotland.

We believe our clients value our independent and robust advice.

People feel passionate about ‘their’ landscape.

It is important that visual representations of development proposals are readily accepted by local people. They must have the trust and confidence that the visualisation reflects the local environment, and that the proposed development appears at the correct scale within the image. This facilitates dialogue and communication about the proposals and can contribute to improved and accelerated decision making. We will demonstrate how Windplanner can be used to design and communicate about wind energy proposals. We are very pleased to have actively contributed to the development of Windplanner by The Imagineers. Windplanner now includes a solar module to visualise photovoltaic panels.

Windplanner is a 3D online design and visualisation tool to allow immediate and real time visualisations of wind energy projects anywhere in the world.

Come to Stand M60 at All Energy 2018 and see our ‘challenge’ to the Scottish Government Onshore Wind Energy Statement 2017, which could result in slowly introducing another 150-250 windfarms in Scotland with gradual landscape change.

Can we design and discuss an alternative, a GRAND PLAN? One which could have less overall effect on our Scottish landscape? To stimulate debate, we can illustrate different approaches including turbines of up to 300m tip height in Windplanner!

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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