How can we get the most out of heat networks?

How can we get the most out of heat networks?

In our low carbon heat webinar “Low carbon heat: Are heat networks the answer?” on 14th May 2020, Nick Gosling, Group Sales and Strategy Director at Vital Energi delivered a presentation on the application of heat networks to facilitate the journey to net zero.

You can watch the full webinar here for free and see what Nick Gosling had to say about the future of heat networks, along with our other expert panellists.

What is covered in the discussion?

• Stimulating sustainable recovery post Covid-19
• Meeting Climate Change Act commitments to de-carbonise heat
• What are the key criteria needed for heat networks to succeed?
• What are the technology options?
• How can heat networks allow transitional technologies?

For a sneak peek of Nick’s discussion, please download the attached slides below.

Nick Goslink, Low Carbon Heat Webinar

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