Software to help energy traders balance their portfolios

Software to help energy traders balance their portfolios

Dustan thomas provides a suite of solutions for the wholesale energy market. Comprised of Genstar 4, Atom and EnergyHub, these solutions can meet the challenges and opportunities in the UK electricity Balancing Mechanism and TERRE markets.

What is Genstar4?

Genstar4 is a suite of industry certified modules to support the capture and management of electricity trades and contracts and their notification to the Central Market (Elexon) and the dispatch of power to NGE via EDT and EDL. It also supports the settlement process allowing a reconciliation of Elexon data with system calculated data. Genstar4 provides software to help energy traders balance their portfolios, trade in the market and enable plant operators to notify their latest position. Genstar4 manages real time generation and allows parties to model retail or wholesale energy contracts to ensure that they are meeting contractual requirements. Genstar4 manages the sourcing of energy requirements in the most efficient manner.

Genstar4 supports TERRE, VLPs and Wider Access. Its rich APIs lend itself to simple and fast integration with plant control systems and other third party applications. Genstar4 is a fully hosted application.

What is ATOM?

ATOM, the asset trade optimisation module, provides the allocation of counterparty, day ahead and intra-day trades across a portfolio of small distributed assets that are grouped geographically, each with unique constraints and dynamic parameters. It also identifies opportunities for profitable trading.

ATOM allows:

• Display of availability and the scheduled position for each period including unallocated trades.
• Aggregation of position by asset, region, customer, trading book and portfolio.
• Display profitable trading opportunities in a simple view by period and buy/sell position.
• Identification of trading opportunities between assets in the portfolio.
• Scheduling of trades across the portfolio based on optimal profitability.
• The ability to schedule assets at a set of pre-configured running states.
• Automatic scheduling of assets based on cost and allocation rules.
• Auto-optimisation of the position by trading across assets.
• Importing asset costs (Short Run Marginal Costs [SRMC]) for use in optimisation and scheduling.
• Incorporation of market prices from EPEX Spot (ETS and M7).
• Submission and receipt of hourly and half hourly trades from EPEX Spot.
• The ability to account for physical characteristics and asset constraints in the schedule.
• Submission of position forecasts (Physical Notifications or PNs) to Genstar4 for dispatch.
• Ensuring assets are unavailable if they have been committed to alternative markets.
• Managing activity within market rules.
• Export trades to an ETRM system.
• Integration with a control system to provide the running schedule

What is EnergyHub?

EnergyHub delivers portal solutions and innovative technology to meet the demands of the energy markets. EnergyHub is a component-based client portal and KPI dashboard for the energy industry that provides flexibility and agility so that information and insight can be delivered in an engaging manner to users. EnergyHub can be easily configured to deliver customer portals and internal dashboards across the energy industry complete with interactive charts and graphs, drilldowns, and compelling graphics. EnergyHub is able to integrate into any number of data sources and systems to extend the life of existing applications and consolidate BI & MI. Whether integrating or optimising legacy systems or in need of solutions that will provide leading edge client portal and workflow experiences, EnergyHub is designed to meet the demands of the electricity, gas and water markets.

Read more about dustan thomas solutions here

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