Hannah Staab: Improving the life of solar farms

Hannah Staab: Improving the life of solar farms

In our webinar “40GW solar deployment by 2030” on 16th July 2020,  Hannah Staab, Natural Power European Advisory team Lead,  delivered a presentation on how new PV plants can be optimised for 30+ year lifetimes.

Hannah Staab’s discussion is focused on how to avoid a mid-life crisis and operate solar farms for 30+ years. To meet deployment targets for 2030 and beyond, it will be essential to extend the useful life of operating assets, strategically repower, and design new plants to achieve long lifetimes

Want to find out what we need to gain comfort with 30+ year lifetime assumptions?

You can watch the full webinar here for free and see what Hannah Staab had to say about solar, along with our other expert panellists.

What will I learn about?

  • How we can extend the useful life of operating assets, strategically repower, and design new plants to achieve long lifetimes
  • Repowering considerations and variables
  • Why mid-life failures are inevitable
  • Why we need to choose the right equipment, designing systems for ease of maintenance, and emphasising installation quality and 3rd party inspections.

For a sneak peek of Hannah Staab’s discussion, please download the attached slides.

Hannah Staab – Useful life of solar farms

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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