
Partner, GreenbackersTM Investment Capital
Andrew is the former Head of the £103m Renewable Energy Investment Fund by Scottish Investment Bank, former Head of Investment for DP Energy a founder and Director of Greenbackers Investment Capital specialising in raising-finance for low-carbon, cleantech and climate change businesses, has his own consultancy – Deja Blue – and is one of the Expert Group advising on the E.U.’s new Innovation Fund and has been closely involved in the emergence of the Blue Economy work of the Commission.

Partner, Columbus Energy Partners
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Fraser has worldwide experience in company direction, stakeholder management, commercial and business development, disruptive business models and energy technologies.
Fraser is co-founder and partner of the Columbus Energy Partners® group of companies which evolves pioneering concepts and underperforming companies into successful, sustainable businesses
Fraser has directed in Chairman, Non-Executive and Executive Director roles the incubation and turnaround of multiple companies with diverse global markets.
He is a certified director with the UK Institute of Directors and has held multiple directorships across the Americas and Europe with both listed and private companies.

Managing Director, Thrive Renewables
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Thrive Renewables is a renewable energy investment company with a mission to power the transition to a sustainable energy future by helping people meaningfully connect with clean energy projects. Matthew has worked in the Thrive team (formerly Triodos Renewables) since 2006 and undertakes the overall management of Thrive Renewables Plc. In this time Matthew has contributed to 15-fold growth in the Company. Prior to joining Triodos Bank, Matthew was part of a small team which established Camco International, one of the world’s leading carbon trading companies, focusing on supporting sustainable energy projects via the Kyoto framework.

Senior Manager, Scottish Enterprise’s Low Carbon Transition Team
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Veronica Noone is Senior Manager with Scottish Enterprise’s Low Carbon Transition Team. She is responsible for the energy and local energy systems as well as Foresighting and emerging opportunities. Veronica has worked for the last decade on a range of energy prrogrammes including leading SE’s Offshore Wind Programme and SE input to the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme. Most recently Veronica has been working with Scottish Government and Scottish Development International on the Green Investment Portfolio. Veronica originally trained as a Town Planner having left Glasgow University with an Mphil in Town and Regional Planning. She has worked in academia and the local authority sector in planning and economic development.

Joint Managing Director (Projects), Abundance Investment
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Louise Wilson is a co-founder and joint MD of Abundance which provides debt capital to sustainable infrastructure projects and to local authorities, and regular capital and income to investors. Abundance has raised over £100m from almost 7,000 people, giving them a stake in a low carbon future and helping drive the green recovery.
Before Abundance, she was head of equity capital markets for UBS Investment Bank. Louise is on the Advisory Board of Imperial College’s Centre for Climate Finance & Investment.

Innovation Lead for Energy Systems, Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation
David is Innovation Lead for Energy Systems at Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency. His work is focused on supporting companies to develop innovative low carbon technologies and services which will contribute to economic growth and decarbonise the UK’s energy sector. This is done through providing funding, connecting people and organisations that can mutually benefit from working together, and facilitating regulatory and policy feedback to Government. Using public innovation funding to de-risk future investment from the private sector focal to this work, and Innovate UK have developed investment partnerships and loan schemes to enable this.
Excellent way to promote Sustainability.
The push towards net zero will take vision and bold new tech advances…
To change planet oil to planet green we need more than step changes or game changes we need world changers, visionaries and the seed resources to be the change we want to see in the world 🌎…