Four Webinars in September: All-Energy & Dcarbonise Webinar Series

Four Webinars in September: All-Energy & Dcarbonise Webinar Series

Four Stimulating September Sessions in the All-Energy/Dcarbonise Webinar Series…

The ongoing All-Energy/Dcarbonise webinar series continues on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 September with four new topics reflecting the broad range of subjects that come under the conference spotlight every year at the ‘live’ event, which has now been postponed until 12-13 May 2021, as Glasgow’s SEC is currently in use as the NHS Louisa Jordan Hospital and training centre.

On 29 September the focus is on Smart and Sustainable Cities, with two sessions run in partnership with Microsoft – the first on ‘Smart Sustainable Cities: Learnings from the Sharing Cities Project’ and the second a call to action with ‘Business Case for Smart Sustainable Cities Solutions: No more pilots!’. Then on 30 September attention turns to ’Energy integration in the UK Continental Shelf: How will the basin evolve?’ and ‘Corporate PPAs; Broadening the Discussion’  Full details and free registration are at

As Event Director Peter Bloor of Reed Exhibitions explained: “These are going to be four enlightening 90-minute sessions demonstrating the far-ranging interests of All-Energy, the co-located Dcarbonise, and our audience. I would like to express our thanks to Microsoft for driving the content of the two Smart and Sustainable Cities sessions, and I am delighted to see our headline sponsor, Shepherd and Wedderburn, taking a key role by chairing three of the four webinars; and would like to thank Project Director, Judith Patten MBE and the conference team for their ingenuity in developing such a stimulating series; and our marketing team for ensuring we spread the word far and wide.

“Our current statistics speak for themselves. So far, we have held 13 webinars, all of which are online enabling people to dip into them at any time. We’ve had 10,322 registrations which have converted into some 6,500 unique viewers enjoying the webinars either ‘on the day’ or ‘on-demand’.”

Smart and sustainable cities in the spotlight

The duo of webinars on Tuesday 29 September is being held in partnership with Microsoft. The full list of expert speakers is at both are chaired by Clare Foster of Shepherd and Wedderburn. The first (10:00-11:30) is on Smart Sustainable Cities: Learnings from the Sharing Cities Project’ which, as the title suggests, introduce the Sharing Cities project and will lead to discussions surrounding key learnings from international collaboration between industries and cities; and details of the urban data platform solutions.

The second (14:00-15:30) ‘Business Case for Smart Sustainable Cities Solutions: No more pilots!’ takes the concepts shared during Session 1 and introduces solutions which can enable cities to make their smart city visions a reality by creating a value or business case for smart city projects including from central city data repositories through to specific solutions across areas such as connected street lights, air quality, building energy management and parking. After short presentations, both webinars will feature panel discussion and answers to questions from the audience.

Microsoft is helping cities around the world become more competitive, sustainable and prosperous. With its partners, Microsoft is working with cities to engage their citizens, empower city employees, optimise city operations and infrastructure, and transform to accelerate innovation and opportunity.

Energy integration in the UKCS

Stimulated by the report from the Energy Integration Project, recently published by the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) in collaboration with Ofgem, The Crown Estate, BEIS and Crown Estate Scotland, highlighting that the UKCS basin is a critical energy resource for the UK, both today and for a net zero future, Wednesday 30 September’s morning (09:30-11:00) webinar is ‘Energy integration in the UK Continental Shelf: How will the basin evolve?. Chaired by Carlo Procaccini of the OGA it features panellists from Shell UK, The Oil & Gas Technology Centre, Crown Estate Scotland and The Crown Estate.

OGA explained: “Leveraging cross-sector energy solutions (oil and gas electrification, wind power, hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage) could potentially support the delivery of ~30% of the country’s overall net zero target. When you add the potential contribution of offshore renewables, the UKCS could support as much as 60% of the whole UK’s abatement required by 2050.

“How can this potential become a reality, and how can projects be accelerated? Today we discuss what can be done in the near term to cut emissions in the UKCS, including through platform electrification, and also collaboration with the wind power sector. Following this, we look at how oil and gas capabilities and infrastructure can be harnessed to support further renewables expansion and inject pace into CCS and hydrogen.”

Focussing on Corporate PPAs

The commercial imperative of developing subsidy free renewables projects has coincided with large energy users looking to play their part in the response to the climate emergency.  Corporate PPAs are providing a win:win situation – or are they? They come under the spotlight on the afternoon of Wednesday 30 September (14:00-15:30) in ‘Corporate PPAs: Broadening the discussion’.

There are various structures for Corporate PPAs. The panel, which has extensive experience of corporate PPAs, and includes speakers from EDF Energy, Wiershol (Norway), Cornwall Insight; Pinsent Masons and Tesco plc under the chairmanship of John Grady of Shepherd and Wedderburn, will discuss these, look at the key elements of successful Corporate PPAs and the hurdles that need to be overcome.

The panel will also talk about how the market can be developed, in particular what could enable more companies, (as well as the third and public sectors) to benefit from Corporate PPAs, and how Corporate PPAs can be an integral part of an energy user’s carbon reduction strategy; (and much more).

 Looking back – and further information

Total attendance at All-Energy/Dcarbonise 2019 was 7,871 – including the First Minister of Scotland, the Scottish Energy Minister and over 600 other speakers over the two days. All-Energy and the co-located Dcarbonise will be held Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 May 2021.

All-Energy’s major sponsors include ScottishPower (Host Sponsor); Shepherd and Wedderburn (Headline Sponsor) and Natural Power (Power Club Sponsor) and is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association; Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; UKRI and Innovate UK; Sustainable Glasgow; and the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with Glasgow as its Host City, and the Society for Underwater Technology as Learned Society Patron. Dcarbonise is sponsored by the Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust and Zero Waste Scotland.

The Smart Urban Mobility Solutions conference stream (part of Dcarbonise) is supported by Transport Scotland and organised in association with the Smart Environment Forum of ITS United Kingdom.

Further information is at and

Caption: Peter Bloor, Event Director, Reed Exhibitions

Notes to Editors:

Do please join us at all or any of the webinars …. there is no specific press registration just register at

 All-Energy, the history: The 2021 show will be the 20th All-Energy. The UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference has been held annually (replaced by the webinar series in 2020) since 2001; the first co-located Dcarbonise was held in 2019 embracing low carbon heat, energy efficiency and low carbon transport (the latter via the Smart Urban Mobility Solutions conference stream). The first 14 All-Energy events were held in Aberdeen; the show moved to Glasgow in 2015. All-Energy/Dcarbonise 2021 is scheduled for 12-13 May 2021.

The 2019 event attracted total attendance of 7,871 over the two days and included some 250 exhibiting companies and over 600 speakers.

Editors – if you would like your publication to be an All-Energy/Dcarbonise 2021 media partner: please contact Tina Abulashvili

Further press information is available from: Judith Patten @ JPPR – from whom a wide selection of hi-res jpegs is also available encompassing busy aisles; conference line-ups and busy halls; people checking out equipment and/or having meaningful conversations; Ministers doing tours and looking at everything from a hydrogen powered bus to visiting the new Dcarbonise exhibition.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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