Marine Energy Webinar Special 14 October

Marine Energy Webinar Special 14 October


The focus of the continuing All-Energy/Dcarbonise webinar series is on marine renewables on 14 October when ‘Greening the Blue Economy: Marine Energy’ will be held at 14:00. Full details and free registration are at

As Event Director Peter Bloor of Reed Exhibitions explained: “This is a topic that goes right back to All-Energy’s roots at the start of the century when it was first conceived as a ‘wet and windy’ event. It was then that the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) came on board as the show’s Learned Society Patron. Indeed, our Project Director, Judith Patten MBE has been a member of the SUT’s Marine Renewable Energies Committee (MREC) since those early days. We thank Sue Barr, Chair of the UK Marine Energy Council and recipient of both the SUT Lennard-Senior Award and OEE Vi Maris in 2019, for her work in bringing this session to fruition.

“Sue will be chairing the 90-minute session with Scotland’s Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, Paul Wheelhouse MSP, giving a brief introduction followed by presentations from Oliver Wragg, Commercial Director, Orbital Marine Power; Craig Frew, Leader Low Carbon Innovation Team, The Scottish Government; Helen Donovan, Industrial Transformation Division, The Welsh Government; Graham Foster, CTO, Marine Power Systems; and Sam Leighton, Managing Director, Bombora Wave Power.

Sue Barr explained: “In 2020, the UK is leading the world in the development of wave and tidal technologies based on our engineering prowess and excellent natural ocean resources. The IEA forecast that the global ocean energy industry will be worth £76 billion by 2050[1]. Here in the UK, our tidal stream industry could generate a net cumulative benefit to the UK by of £1.4bn by 2020, including considerable exports and the creation of 4,000 jobs. Wave energy, which is at an earlier stage of development, has the potential to add a net positive contribution to the UK economy worth a cumulative benefit of £4.0bn and create 8,100 jobs by 2040.

“Both tidal stream and wave energy have the potential to generate high quality, highly skilled jobs across the UK in maritime and peripheral regions including supply chain and local economic benefits. This webinar will enable you to hear from leading technology developers and Government on how we can secure this opportunity and support the growth of marine energy to help us reach Net Zero, grow our economy and ensure we deliver on our blue economy aspirations.

The All-Energy/Dcarbonise webinars have been highly successful, enabling long-time event attendees and a totally new audience to keep in touch with current developments in the renewable and low carbon energy sectors. Seventeen webinars have been held so far; all are online at enabling people to dip into them at any time (with selected presentations at There have been 11,283 registrations in total, which have converted into some 7,334 unique viewers enjoying the webinars either ‘on the day’ or ‘on-demand’. The All-Energy/Dcarbonise team is now hard at work gearing up for the All-Energy/Dcarbonise Virtual Summit being held 3-5 November.

Looking back – and further information

Total attendance at All-Energy/Dcarbonise 2019 was 7,871 – including the First Minister of Scotland, the Scottish Energy Minister and over 600 other speakers over the two days. All-Energy and the co-located Dcarbonise will be held Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 May 2021.

All-Energy’s major sponsors include ScottishPower (Host Sponsor); Shepherd and Wedderburn (Headline Sponsor) and Natural Power (Power Club Sponsor) and is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association; Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; UKRI and Innovate UK; Sustainable Glasgow; and the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with Glasgow as its Host City, and the Society for Underwater Technology as Learned Society Patron. Dcarbonise is sponsored by the Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust and Zero Waste Scotland.

The Smart Urban Mobility Solutions conference stream (part of Dcarbonise) is supported by Transport Scotland and organised in association with the Smart Environment Forum of ITS United Kingdom.

Further information is at and

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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