
Shepherd and Wedderburn
John is a partner in the regulation and markets practice and has extensive experience across electricity, gas and water markets, developed both in private practice and in house at ScottishPower.
He has particular expertise in contractual and regulatory matters in the utility sectors. Since the late 1990s, John has advised on significant utility matters both in the UK and elsewhere, including interconnectors, trading arrangements reforms, the unification of Scottish and English electricity markets, (BETTA), Electricity Market Reform, the RIIO-ED1 CMA price control appeals and the introduction of competition into the water industry.
John advises on regulatory and commercial matters more widely including in respect of offshore wind and other projects. John advises more generally on competition law, including investigations under Competition Act 1998 by the CMA and Ofgem.
Download John’s presentation here.

Shepherd and Wedderburn
Gordon is an acknowledged leader in the field of UK and EU competition law and regulation. His practice has developed a particular emphasis on the role and functioning of markets in regulated sectors in the UK and overseas (such as the energy and water industries) and in connection with the provision of key public services. Gordon’s clients include regulatory bodies, regulated entities and other stakeholders (such as complaint-handling bodies).
Download Gordon’s presentation here.

Shepherd and Weddernburn
Tom has a wide range of corporate, financial markets and investment experience, regularly advising on the structuring of complex and innovative transactions. He acts for banks, pension schemes and investment funds in a wide range of transactions, including M&A, joint ventures, investment management agreements, private fund and equity investments, secondary disposals, and derivatives and other financial market instruments. He also acts for on number of clients in the renewable energy and upstream oil and gas. His experience includes equity capital markets and public M&A transactions, and general advice to listed companies.
Download Tom’s presentation here.