Energy Integration in Action

Energy Integration in Action

From Oil and Gas to Energy Integration

In our Dcarbonise Week session “From Oil and Gas to Energy Integration” Scott Robertson, OGA, delivered a discussion on energy integration in action.

You can watch the full webinar here for free and see what Scott had to say.

Scott Robertson, Director of Operations, Oil and Gas Authority (OGA)

Scott Robertson is responsible for the OGA’s Exploration, Production, Energy Transition (including CCUS) and Technology agenda. He joined the OGA in June 2015 after 20 years of upstream operator experience gained predominantly in the UK North Sea. In his previous role at the OGA, Scott developed and implemented the OGA’s Asset Stewardship Strategy and was responsible for stewarding the large portfolio of oil and gas activity in the Central North Sea.

For an insight into Scott’s discussion, please download the below slides:

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