A decade-long journey to bring river heat systems from Norway to the UK

A decade-long journey to bring river heat systems from Norway to the UK

Heat Decarbonisation Show Floor Theatre

In the Heat Decarbonisation Show Floor Theatre on 11th May, David Pearson, Group Sustainable Development Director, STAR REFRIGERATION, delivered a presentation on decade-long journey to bring river heat systems from Norway to the UK.

David Pearson, Group Sustainable Development Director, STAR REFRIGERATION

Dave has worked in the vapour compression industry for more than 22 years, and has a detailed understanding of high temperature ammonia applications and industrial processes. With many businesses focused on a greener future with a lower carbon footprint, Dave can advise on waste heat and renewable sources.

Working with colleagues and partners he has helped deliver the UK’s largest high temperature river source heat pump at Queens Quay and also England’s largest high temperature river source heat pump in Bristol.

His main focus now is lowest electricity pricing as the key to unlock repeat projects.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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