How to encourage adoption of heat pumps

How to encourage adoption of heat pumps

Innovative solutions: Identifying new technologies to decarbonise the built environment

In our session “”Innovative solutions: Identifying new technologies to decarbonise the built environment”” on 11th May, Anthony Kyriakides, Head of Renewables, Energy Saving Trust, delivered a presentation on how to encourage adoption of heat pumps 

Anthony Kyriakides, Head of Renewables, Energy Saving Trust

Anthony’s role as head of renewables at Energy Saving Trust covers domestic and community renewables, heat networks and funding schemes. He leads programme teams who provide impartial advice, information and financial support to help decarbonise heat and power generation, grow the renewables sector, drive down fuel bills, and bring benefits to individuals, communities and wider. These transformational energy projects are delivered for public and private clients including the Scottish Government, Welsh Government, Ofgem and DNOs.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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