Re-purposing the gas grid to hydrogen

Re-purposing the gas grid to hydrogen

In our hydrogen webinar “Hydrogen: Scaling up hydrogen & Fuel Cells?” on 14th May 2020, Mark Crowther, Technical Director at Kiwa delivered a presentation on re-purposing the gas grid to hydrogen.

You can watch the full webinar here for free and see what Mark Crowther had to say about the future of hydrogen, along with our other expert panellists.

What is covered in the discussion?

• Why the UK needs to start progressing real hydrogen projects
• The need for run-way of successful projects to show that the UK does have a way forward regarding repurposing the gas grid and meeting its climate change commitments
• What does the perfect hydrogen project look like?
• H100 Fife. An ideal Learning by Doing site
• From operation of electrolyser to management of storage, what major lessons have emerged?

For a sneak peek of Mark’s discussion, please download the attached slides below.

Mark Crowther, Hydrogen: Scaling up hydrogen & Fuel Cells Webinar

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