New UKRI/All-Energy Webinar in January

New UKRI/All-Energy Webinar in January

Note: this webinar has now taken place and is available to watch on demand here.

‘Harnessing the power of data: accelerating to net zero’

Energy is the pulse of our day-to-day life, but the drive for net zero will require a massive change in the way we create and use it. With new technologies and complex integration needed, it is increasingly clear that there is one important factor in making our future integrated energy systems work: data.

That is the thinking behind the 14 January All-Energy/Dcarbonise webinar sponsored by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and chaired by Laura Sandys CBE, Chair of the Government’s Energy Data Taskforce and Non-Executive Director, SGN & Energy System Catapult and with an impressive panel of speakers from BEIS, Ofgem, UKRI, Grid Edge and Kaluza.

A review of the 2020 26-strong webinar series is also available to download, offering a complete overview of our highly popular webinar series. All sessions to date are available on demand here.

Already, smart technology is entering our homes, and companies are using big data to respond better to consumer preferences. In the new energy future, distributed energy will clearly play a role. We are learning that digital technologies can make distributed energy the cheapest and cleanest form of energy.

UKRI’s ‘Prospering from the Energy Revolution’ programme is pioneering the data-enabled systems approach to unlock the benefits of smart local energy systems. These systems improve the efficiency of existing infrastructure, capture value and provide local jobs, helping to distribute prosperity; while society gains clean, cheap energy delivered in ways that suit modern net zero lives, lived locally.

Speakers on 14 January are:
● Dinker Bhardwaj, Head of Data Policy, Smart Energy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
● Steven Steer, Head of Data, Ofgem
● Rob Saunders, Challenge Director, Prospering from the Energy Revolution, UKRI
● Dr Jim Scott, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer, Grid Edge
● Valts Grintals, Senior Flexibility Analyst, Kaluza

“Having held 26 webinars in a six-month period in 2020, viewed ‘live’ or ‘on-demand’ 17,100 times, we are breaking our followers in gently with just one webinar in January,” explained Portfolio and Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of Reed Exhibitions. “This session brings together the government, the energy disruptors, and the regulators to discuss:

● How could better energy data satisfy both households and industry?
● What policies and regulations are needed to support innovative data-based solutions to provide new services?
● How can we ensure these innovations benefit diverse consumers, and protect everyone against emerging risks?
● What data frameworks are needed to enable local infrastructure investment and innovation at scale and pace in different places?

“We are grateful to UKRI for their on-going sponsorship. Their earlier webinar, ‘UKRI’s Road to Net Zero: Investing for Innovation’ held as part of our November All-Energy/Dcarbonise Virtual Summit is available for on demand viewing here.

“We look forward to welcoming their speakers and our audience on 14 January and, in the meantime, wish you all a happy holiday period and hope for some degree of normality to return in the New Year. We will be staging All-Energy and the co-located Dcarbonise at Glasgow’s SEC on 18 and 19 August. The Call for Papers is open on the All-Energy website at with a closing date of 31 March 2021.”

Notes to Editors:

All-Energy, the history: The 2021 show (18-19 August, SEC Glasgow) will be the 20th edition of All-Energy. The UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference has been held annually since 2001; the first co-located Dcarbonise was held in 2019 embracing low carbon heat, energy efficiency and low carbon transport (the latter via the Smart Urban Mobility Solutions conference stream). The first 14 All-Energy events were held in Aberdeen; the show moved to Glasgow in 2015.

The 2019 event attracted a total of 7,871 attendees, over the two days and included some 250 exhibiting companies and over 600 speakers.

In the absence of the ‘live’ event, a series of webinars was launched in May 2020. By November, when the All-Energy/Dcarbonise Virtual Summit was held, they had attracted 15,650 registrations and people continue to watch them on demand, so far they have been viewed ‘live’ or ‘on-demand’ 17,100 times. All are available on-demand via our webinar library.

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All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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