An Integrated Energy Vision Economic Opportunity Scotland and Global

An Integrated Energy Vision Economic Opportunity Scotland and Global

An Integrated Energy Vision economic opportunity: Scotland and global

In our session “An Integrated Energy Vision economic opportunity: Scotland and global” on 12th May, Martyn Tulloch, Head of Energy System Integration, Net Zero Technology Centre, delivered a presentation on Integrated energy vision economic opportunity: Scotland and Global.

Martyn Tulloch, Head of Energy System Integration, Net Zero Technology Centre

A chartered engineer who has worked in both the oil & gas and renewable energy sectors over the last 20 years, Martyn has the privilege of leading a team that is passionate about ensuring that the oil and gas industry helps enable the transition to a low carbon future. He believes firmly that the skills, experience and infrastructure established over the last four decades in NE Scotland and the wider UK oil and gas industry will have a pivotal role to play if we are to meet our net zero targets.

All-Energy is the UK’s leading and only full supply chain renewables and low carbon energy event for the private and public sector energy end users, developers and investors.

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