Keeping it real: An inclusive transition to net-zero

Keeping it real: An inclusive transition to net-zero
Sponsored by The Scottish Government and SP Energy Networks
Engineering solutions such as renewable energy technologies, battery solutions and digitisation often take centre stage in discussions around ‘how we tackle climate change’ or ensure a green recovery from COVID-19 as STEM, more so than STEAM (A: arts and creative talents) subjects, have been pushed to the fore as a means of preparing the future workforce for what’s required.
But what will all of this mean for consumers and their communities, particularly those described as living in vulnerable circumstances, as we plan our road to recovery from the impacts of a global pandemic and look toward a net-zero future? What softer-skills, local advice and knowledge, and large-scale engagement are required to ensure that, genuinely, no one will be left behind and that individuals and their communities – who often hold the local answers to local problems – can play an active role in tackling climate change whilst maximising benefits and cost-efficiencies from SMART innovation in an informed and locally sensitive way.
Chair: Guy Jefferson, Customer Service Director, SP Energy Networks
● Jamie Macleod, Team Leader, Consumer Policy and Interventions Team, The Scottish Government – The Scottish Government perspective
● Guy Jefferson, Customer Service Director, SPEN – SPEN’s strategic approach to consumer and community engagement – for a just transition
● Mark Hull, Head of Innovation, Community Energy Scotland – Practically preparing for community energy futures
● Zarina Ahmad, Climate Change & Environmentalist, CEMVO Scotland – Inclusive approaches bringing voices of vulnerable and marginalised communities to the forefront
● Peter Dennis, Renewable Energy Specialist, Ecotricity – Domestic DSR: The opportunities and pitfalls
● Matthew Lipson, Business Leader Consumer Insight Services, Energy Systems Catapult – Smart and local energy systems: Putting consumers at the heart of future system designs


Guy Jefferson
Customer Service Director, SP Energy Networks

Guy has worked within the SP Group for over 25 years and has gained a wealth of experience in a number of different roles in the UK including Asset & Maintenance Director, Operations Director and SP Distribution Director. As well as completing International assignments for SP, Guy has also held a number of leading roles in the community including Board membership of the Princes Trust in Scotland and also previously held the post of BITC Welsh Ambassador for Sustainable Business on behalf of HRH the Prince of Wales.

Jamie Macleod
Team Leader, Consumer Policy and Interventions Team, The Scottish Government

Jamie leads the Consumer Policy and Interventions Team at the Scottish Government with an aim to embed consideration of consumers across policy development, with a focus on the needs of those in vulnerable circumstances.
He has experienced the impact of energy policy from a variety of viewpoints, including working directly with consumers of all kinds delivering face to face advice and advocacy before moving to the Scottish Government.
He is interested in how energy systems can develop to meet future requirements in a secure and affordable way, particularly integrating higher levels of renewables and increasing levels of locally generated energy.


Peter Dennis
Renewable Energy Specialist,

Peter has been with Ecotricity for 7 years and has held an interest with DSR throughout that time. Having a background in Physics and Engineering, he has moved through various analytical roles in the Regulation and Trading teams and now specialises in developing Ecotricity’s Virtual Power Plant (VPP or Smart Grid). The aim of the Smart Grid is to be open to all forms of flexibility and to then optimise their deployment into various services and revenue streams. DSR is full of untapped opportunity and can play a central role in this if the pitfalls can be overcome.

Matthew Lipson
Business Leader Consumer Insight Services, Energy Systems Catapult

Matthew Lipson is Business Leader for Consumer Insight at the Energy Systems Catapult. He helps bring industry, academia and Government together to accelerate the development of new technology-based products and services in the energy sector. Matthew has spent the last 20 years working with Universities and businesses for DECC, the Committee on Climate Change, the Energy Technologies Institute and Orange (amongst others) to design energy policies and commercial propositions that people love. He is now applying his experience to help others design delightful, intuitive low carbon product and service experiences.

Mark Hull
Head of Innovation,
Community Energy Scotland


Zarina Ahmad
Climate Change & Environmentalist,
CEMVO Scotland


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