Rob Saunders: Building local foundations for Net Zero

Rob Saunders: Building local foundations for Net Zero

UKRI’s road to net zero; Investing for impact


In our webinar “UKRI’s road to net zero; Investing for impact” on 4th November, 2020, Rob Saunders, Challenge Director, Prospering from the Energy Revolution, UKRI delivered a discussion on using innovation to help the Sectors become environmentally and financially sustainable.

You can watch the full webinar here for free and see what Rob had to say about innovation challenges, along with our other expert panellists.

Watch the webinar on-demand!

Rob Saunders, Challenge Director, Prospering from the Energy Revolution, UKRI

Rob Saunders is Deputy Challenge Director for the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programme, ‘Prospering from the Energy Revolution’. Over the coming four years, this aims to prove the future business models and local approaches that will put consumers at the heart of a cleaner, cheaper and more resilient energy system.

A Cambridge engineering graduate, Rob started his career in innovation in the food and packaging industries when leading major R&D programmes for Crown Packaging and Pepsico. He retrained in 2010, graduating from the Imperial College Masters programme in Environmental Technology & Energy Policy and led analysis for UK Energy Research Centre bioenergy projects before joining Innovate UK in 2011 as lead for offshore renewable energy.

Rob led the energy programme at Innovate UK for four years, helping UK businesses to grow as they develop new products that address solutions to affordable, clean and secure energy systems of the future. During that time Innovate UK supported hundreds of UK businesses, developed and launched the energy catalyst programme and set up two energy-focussed catapult centres; Offshore Renewable Energy in Glasgow & Blyth, and Energy Systems in Birmingham. He now leads the energy revolution programme for UK Research and Innovation.

What will I learn about?

  • Prospering from the Energy Revolution
    and Net-Zero 
  • A portfolio of ground-breaking local projects
  • Why local?
  • And more

For an insight into Rob’s discussion, please download the below slides.

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